This is a list of works which provide a construction area (zone, site, plot, motorway) hydro-meteorological conditions study and foresee their possible changes due to the connection with a project under development. The survey is aimed at obtaining necessary information for making solid design decisions.
The survey allows to estimate all the factors that can make construction works difficult, in particular, the stream and weather conditions of an explored area, its precise meteorological parameters, dangerous hydro-meteorological phenomena and processes as well as man-made and industry-related changes of climate and hydrologic conditions.
The works need to be done for choosing the right location of a site, estimating its engineering protection from negative hydro-meteorological impact and water supply degree, developing the general layout of an area (a city or settlement), assessing the construction facilities’ impact on water and air environment, elaborating environmental actions and choosing facilities’ design.
Our experts conduct a standard engineering hydro-meteorological survey:
collecting, analysis and generalization of an area’s hydro-meteorological and cartographic parameters;
a reconnaissance survey of an area;
observing atmospheric elements and hydrological regime of water bodies;
studying dangerous hydro-meteorological processes and phenomena;
data office analysis defining estimated hydrologic and (or) meteorological parameters;
providing technical data report or statement.